Mobility & Transport Experience
European Projects
QUATTRO (Quality approach in tendering public transport operations) [1999]
Producing an overview of Romanian experience and a case study for Bucharest. Co-financed by European Commission. Subcontractor to Transman Budapest.
TOSCA (Technological and Operational Support for Car sharing) [2001]
Producing a market research and a feasibility study for Car sharing system in Bucharest. Co-financed by European Commission. Subcontractor to R.A.T.B.
TRANSPLUS (Transport Planning, Land Use and Sustainability) [2001]
Producing a case study for Bucharest. Co-financed by European Commission.
TELLUS (Transport and Environment Alliance for Urban Sustainability) [2002]
Producing the ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of the Bucharest measures.Co-financed by European Commission (Civitas I Initiative). Subcontractor to R.A.T.B.
TRANSPLUSS ACCESS (Transport Planning, Land Use and Sustainability) [2001-2004]
Producing a case study for Ploiesti. Co-financed by European Commission.
ALTAIR (Accessible Location-aware TrAvel Information and Resources) [2004-2005]
Co-producing a multilingual online ticketing payment prototype for public transport by using the mobile phone. Co-ordinator of the workpackage dealing with the prototype evaluation. Co-financed by European Commission.
RAISE (Raising Citizens and Stakeholders Awareness, Acceptance and Use of New Regional and Urban Sustainability Approaches in Europe) [2004-2005]
Producing a review of 104 projects within EESD, City of Tomorrow key-action umbrella. Co-financed by European Commission.
CONCERTOUR (Concerted innovative approaches, strategies, solutions and services improving mobility and European tourism) [2008-2009]
Co-producing a Handbook of the best practices and an Action Plan. Financed by European Commission.
ASTUTE (Advancing Sustainable Transport in Urban areas To promote Energy efficiency) [2008-2009]
Local agent for Bucharest dissemination workshop on cycling, walking and mobility plans. Co-financed by European Commission. Subcontractor to London European Partnership for Transport.
YOUTH (Youngster Overhauls today’s Urban Transport Habits) [2009]
Producing a report on long and short term trends on energy efficiency in European urban transport. Co-financed by European Commission. Subcontractor to Academy of Economics Studies Bucharest.
C-LIEGE (Clean Last mile transport and logistics management for smart and Efficient local Governments in Europe) [2011-2013]
Co-producing the deliverable “Guideline for the development of urban freight mobility plan”. Co-financed by European Commission.
Local Projects
Consulting on European requirements regarding the impact of local programmes for environment and community development [2002]
Beneficiary: INCD-Urban Proiect Bucuresti.
The economic-social and urbanistic development of the 3-rd district in Bucharest [2002]
Producing a report regarding the communication strategy in the field of ecologic education. Subcontractor to Universitatea Bucuresti. Final beneficiary: Bucharest 3-rd District.
TRESMAN (Integrated management of the resources in the local transport) [2006-2008]
Producing a report regarding policies, strategies and efficient measures in the field of urban mobility. Subcontractor to ITS Romania. Final beneficiary: CEEX.
TRAFFICGUIDE (Real time information system regarding traffic conditions) [2009]
Producing the proposal’s financing package including the business plan. Beneficiary: Electronic Solutions SRL.
RORIS II (Management system for Danube vessel monitoring) [2009]
Producing the Cost-Benefit Analysis of the project. Subcontractor to ITS Romania. Final Beneficiary: Romanian Naval Authority.
Feasibility study for Tetra system for communication and localisation of resources (vehicles and staff) [2010]
Beneficiary: Bucharest Baneasa Aurel Vlaicu International Airport.
IT&C consulting services and expertise for the realisation of the informatics system and hardware infrastructure for the management of the information referring to the beneficiaries of subsidies for public intercity transport [2011]
Beneficiary: Romanian Road Transport Authority – ARR.